Relationship between personal values, choice, and goal setting

Relationship between personal values, choice, and goal setting

Don’t think it’s ever too late or too early to set an intention (no matter when you’re reading this). For all of January I’ve really pushed back a few things including goal setting. Sometimes we really need the time to settle in, to feel. And then identifying your relationship between what you really want to keep doing more of, what you don’t want to do, and what you need to change.

Ultimately, for myself, I recognized that my fear of 2022 could be a copy+paste of 2021. And I never again want any year to feel the same as the previous because that’s my sign to take notice and ask if I’ve been living on auto pilot and have I not challenged myself enough?

When I look back, there are certain years that stand out to me so much because they were the years I actively made difficult decisions to end and begin something new.

So we can go about goal setting a little differently this time by turning it upside down. Instead of a long list of goals to achieve by the end of the year, I’ve broken it down to actions that I want to do more of first and what the effect of those actions could lead and align to (the goal).

I’m hoping this will give the focus needed on execution first without being overwhelmed by lofty long term goals. If you’re a chronic over thinker, focus on your execution and actionables. Hopefully by naturally doing more and thinking less (because you've already thought it a million times already), it will lead you closer to the goals you've set. Kind of like, the goal is just the side effect of your actions.


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  • To see the answers

    Boikgantsho Mkansi on

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